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- Spencer A., (2018) "Using Drama in ESP: the Interdepartmental Language Centre as a Learning Community" in Linguae &, vol. 18 n. 1
- Damascelli A. T. (ed.) (2017) Digital Resources, Creativity and Innovative Methodologies in Language, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Publishing
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- Damascelli A (2015). “International Mobility in the University Language Centres: the case of the Erasmus IP “Crosscurricular Creativity” at CLA-UniTO”. In Argondizzo Carmen (ed.) European Projects in University Language Centres. Creativity, Dynamics, Best Practice, Atti del XVIII Seminario AICLU, Università della Calabria 4-6 ottobre 2012, Bern: Peter Lang, ISBN 978-3-0343-1696-5
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